Richard H. Tholen, MD

Plastic Surgery
Face, Breast & Body Surgery

Minneapolis Plastic Surgery

4825 Olson Memorial Hwy.,
Minneapolis, MN 55422


With over 29 years of experience in providing the highest-quality, innovative cosmetic surgery available in the Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota area and beyond, Dr. Richard H. Tholen has strived to develop Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, LTD. into one of the premier destinations for in-office, outpatient aesthetic plastic surgery in a nationally-accredited (AAAASF) on-site office surgical facility. Thousands of patients seeking not only skill and experience, but also artistry and a caring personal touch in their plastic surgeon have placed their trust and well-being in the skilled hands of Dr. Richard H. Tholen.

While Dr. Tholen’s education, experience, teaching, writing, and accolades attest to his plastic surgical qualifications, the satisfied patients for whom he’s operated serve as the true testament to his reputation, expertise, and dedication as an American Board of Plastic Surgery-certified plastic surgeon whose practice has been devoted to aesthetic plastic surgery excellence for the majority of his 3-decade career.