A Behind-The-Curtain Look At Mommy Makeovers – Top Surgeon Reveals Insight On Popular Procedure

featuring expert:
dr. Michael A. Bogdan


Even though a Mommy Makeover is squarely centered on physical transformation, the surgery often brings about welcomed emotional changes, too. 

“The emotional impact that this kind of operation can have on a mom is dramatic,” explains Dr. Michael Bogdan, a board-certified plastic surgeon who has performed hundreds of Mommy Makeovers from his busy Texas practice. “It is beautiful to see the positive impact the surgery has on the mom’s body and spirit.”

Understanding the growing allure of the procedure, we asked Dr. Bogdan to take us behind the curtain of a typical Mommy Makeover to help moms determine if the surgery is right for them.

The first thing Dr. Bogdan reveals, quite surprisingly, is that a Mommy Makeover is not a weight loss procedure. “While moms having the makeover can lose a significant amount of ‘extra’ skin and fat, the procedure is aimed at reversing changes from childbearing, and the best results are attained when the patient is back at their ideal pre-pregnancy weight,” he explains. 

If the procedure is performed when the patient is at a higher-than-ideal weight, the results aren’t as successful. The extra weight limits how much the abdomen can be tightened and how much the breasts can be lifted for a perky appearance.


If the procedure is performed when the patient is at a higher-than-ideal weight, the results aren’t as successful. The extra weight limits how much the abdomen can be tightened and how much the breasts can be lifted for a perky appearance.


With that in mind, Dr. Bogdan advises his patients to work as hard as they can to lose the extra weight before having the Mommy Makeover.

Still, exercise alone can’t reverse the changes brought on by pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood. How do you address the sagging breasts, stretch marks, and excess abdominal skin?

For the breasts, Dr. Bogdan says a number of procedures can be helpful:

  • Some women who were lucky enough to have only lost breast volume may be suited for breast augmentation.

  • If there is a significant sag or droop to the breasts, a breast lift operation may be the key for restoring the breasts’ youthful shape.

  • For other women, breast reduction may be desired to attain breasts that are proportionate to their figure.

The “tummy” most frequently requires abdominoplasty to remove excess skin and improve the appearance of stretch marks on the lower abdomen or belly. “This procedure also allows the surgeon to tighten the abdominal muscles, so the patient can have an improved profile and more youthful waistline,” Dr. Bogdan explains. 

Abdominoplasty is also often combined with liposuction of the flanks…more commonly known as "love-handles”. “Flank liposuction helps contour the waistline and accentuate the curves of the butt,” he says.

Because the surgery is so complex, Dr. Bogdan offers this word of caution for any mom considering a Mommy Makeover—be sure to work with only a board-certified plastic surgeon. “Cosmetic surgery is not simple—it requires a surgeon who has extensive education, training, experience, and skills to be done safely and successfully,” he explains. Board certification is evidence that the doctor has the proper background.

Dr. Bogdan, who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, also advises moms to look at before-and-after photos of the surgeon’s work. “The surgeon you choose should be able to showcase the beauty of their work over and over again,” he says. 

At the end of the day, a Mommy Makeover is about looking and feeling your best. Dr. Bogdan summarizes: “It truly is a beautiful thing to see how the transformational changes to the physical body can positively impact the spirit.”



Michael A. Bogdan, MD

Plastic surgery
face, breast & body Surgery
, tx