Get Back Your Pre-Baby Body And Your Self-Esteem – The Power Of The Mommy Makeover


Raise your hand if you’re a mom. Now raise it even higher if you’ve tried diet and exercise but just can’t seem to get back your pre-pregnancy body. Now put both hands up if you wish there was something you could do to restore your sagging breasts and flabby tummy.

For many moms, that something is a Mommy Makeover. 

Just ask Dr. Sean Bidic, a board-certified Castle Connolly Top Doctor who is passionate about helping moms get back their pre-pregnancy bodies. 

“Mommy Makeovers are powerful,” he asserts. “To see a mom get back her body and her self-esteem is beautiful. I’ve performed thousands of these procedures, but I’m still so excited that the physical changes result in emotional changes, too.”

Dr. Bidic explains that the moms who come to him often do so because the person in the mirror has lost more than their perky breasts and tight abdomen—their self-confidence is gone, too. 

It’s no surprise, then, that the primary focus of a Mommy Makeover is on the two areas that take a big hit during pregnancy and child-rearing—the breasts and abdomen. This is why almost all Mommy Makeovers involve a combination of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and breast augmentation (breast lifts, implants).

“Even if you're a mom who is in great shape, there is only so much that diet, exercise and Spanx can accomplish,” he explains. Still, not all moms are ideal candidates. Women who qualify for a Mommy Makeover are relatively healthy. Their weight is stabilized. They don’t smoke. If they take birth control pills, that will need to stop temporarily. If they have diabetes or high blood pressure, those need to be well-managed.

“It’s also important that the mom will not be having any more children,” Dr. Bidic adds. “If you have children after a Mommy Makeover, your body will likely revert back to its pre-surgery form if you have another child.”


“Mommy Makeovers are powerful,” he asserts. “To see a mom get back her body and her self-esteem is beautiful. I’ve performed thousands of these procedures, but I’m still so excited that the physical changes result in emotional changes, too.”


For those who meet those criteria, the next—and possibly most significant—step is finding a surgeon. Dr. Bidic stresses the importance of taking time to find a qualified plastic surgeon who has the education, experience, and skill to perform these procedures safely and successfully. As a rule of thumb, he advises all plastic surgery patients to work with only a board-certified surgeon. “A Mommy Makeover involves some very complex surgical procedures,” he explains. “Board certification is a solid indicator that the surgeon is qualified.”

Dr. Bidic, who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery with a certificate of added qualification to perform Surgery of the Hand, also believes it is critical that the surgeon develops a customized surgical plan based on your unique goals and body structure. 

“There is so much that needs to be considered…the extent of stretched abdominal tissue, the volume of your breasts, the degree of breast sagging, the amount and location of excess fat, and your aesthetic and lifestyle desires,” Dr. Bidic explains. In addition to discussing aesthetic goals, your doctor should also consider your medical history.

With a successful, natural-looking result in mind, it is also beneficial to look at the surgeon’s before-and-after photos and read through patient testimonials. An interesting recent development is the use of 3D imaging software to show what the patient’s body could look like after surgery. 

Have you dedicated yourself to getting in shape without seeing results? Are you frustrated that you just can’t seem to get back your pre-baby body no matter how hard you try? For a growing number of moms, the answer to these tough questions is a Mommy Makeover.



Sean Bidic, MD

Plastic Surgery
Face, Breast & Body Surgery
Mullica Hill, NJ